The logo for legacy village of hendersonville assisted living memory care




Want to know what is unique about living or working in a Legacy Senior Living community? Read more below about The Legacy Way!


Our investment in Team Members

Team members of our community are SERVE certified. The SERVE training program was birthed from Legacy’s Customer Service Standards. SERVE is an acronym standing for:

  • Speak and Smile,
  • Encourage and Engage,
  • Respond to Residents,
  • Value and Validate,
  • and Every Day is the Extra Mile.

The 3-hour training goes beyond standard orientation by providing enhanced customer service tools to team members after they have acclimated to their roles. This strategic approach ensures continued guidance, success and growth for all team members. The training is provided twice a year for recertification and to train new hires.

Read More about SERVE

Memory Care Training

Hands-on Certification

Team members who work in the memory care neighborhood are trained in Alzheimer’s and Dementia care. The specific, hands-on training equips caregivers and nurses with the necessary tools to care for residents with Alzheimer’s or Dementia in a gentle, loving and knowledgeable approach.

The extensive three-day training is led by Renita Carnes, Director of Culture and Training, who is certified by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. The course covers topics such as diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, nutrition, activities and communication. The training is designed to help Legacy’s care team understand the inner workings of someone with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.

Read More about Memory Care Training
A woman in a blue shirt with a name tag on it is talking to an older woman

Going the Extra Mile

Team Member Awards Program

We are committed to rewarding our team members who not only serve our residents, but go the extra mile.

Matthew 5:41 - If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.

Based on nominations, Legacy Village 

rewards team members that go above 

and beyond each quarter.

Integrity Hotline

Reporting Concerns

Legacy Village of Cleveland fully encourages our team members to engage in open dialogue regarding any compliance concerns or questions that may arise. In order to provide our team members an opportunity to report compliance concerns anonymously and without fear of retaliation Legacy Senior Living provides an alternative method for reporting concerns via our “Integrity Hotline,” a confidential/anonymous way for you to report known or suspected improper conduct.

Because We Care

Need someone to talk to?

Our programs and services are designed to deliver superior quality to satisfy the needs of our residents. If we miss the mark, we want to know. Please share your suggestions, recommendations, and concerns, by calling the individuals in the order listed until you have complete satisfaction.

BWC Contacts

Veteran Resources

Investing in our Veterans

We have a direct contact to set you up with Veteran benefits. Skip the hassle of going through the VA. This complimentary service is a smooth process to ensure you obtain the benefits you deserve!

Read More About VA Benefits with ERBC

Mission and Values

Serving with honor, respect, faith and integrity.

We believe that the Greatest Generation deserves our deepest honor and respect. Our goal is to glorify God as servant-leaders, and do what we say we will do with integrity.

We offer a rewarding work environment for our team members that encourages professional growth and an opportunity to share in the lives of our residents and their families. As a mission-driven organization, we strive to be a good neighbor, a responsible corporate citizen and a senior services resource. 

Read More About Our Mission
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